• The Huntsman

    The Huntsman

    by Norman Belanger Artist: Kendrick Daye Once upon a time, he was somebody’s little darling, today he was nothing to nobody. I knew details about the kid I was to take into the woods, a lad who stole from the wrong person. Snow White was the name he went by, a young lamb from the…

  • 1984


    by DC Diamondopolous Artist: Blue Honey James, as the doctors and staff at St. Mark’s Regional Hospital in San Diego insisted on calling him, applied pancake make-up over the band-aid camouflaging the skin lesion on his chin. He was glad to be home, surrounded by his Nippon figurines, the ornate lampshades with exotic scarves draped…

  • Eternal Predators

    Eternal Predators

    Julian Drury is a writer and native of New Orleans. His work has appeared online for Quail Bell Magazine, Danse Macabre, Bewildering Stories, Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine, and the Eunoia Review. His work has also appeared in print for several chapbooks for Rainfall Records and Books, as well as the science-fiction anthology…

  • The Last Guru

    The Last Guru

    Steve Carr, who lives in Richmond, Virginia, has had over 330 short stories published internationally in print and online magazines, literary journals and anthologies since June, 2016. Four collections of his short stories, Sand, Rain, Heat, and The Tales of Talker Knock, have been published. His plays have been produced in several states in the…

  • Orchid In A Bell Jar

    Orchid In A Bell Jar

    Amanda Crum is a writer and artist whose work has appeared in publications such as Barren Magazine and Eastern Iowa Review and in several anthologies, including Beyond The Hill and Two Eyes Open. Her first chapbook of horror-inspired poetry, The Madness In Our Marrow, was shortlisted for a Bram Stoker Award nomination in 2015; her…

  • My Love is on Paper Only

    My Love is on Paper Only

    by Lucy Zhang Artist: Yoshiki Takeda My first love taught me how to fold a pinwheel. You need a square sheet of paper, he told me. But I had no square paper on hand, so we snuck a stack of white 8.5 by 11 printer paper from the classroom supplies closet. You can use this…

  • Grapefruit Vultures

    Grapefruit Vultures

    by Hayden Rigby Artist: J.P. Ormiston The day I stop loving you is the day the vultures show up. My grandfather always told me it was a myth that they circle around animals that are dying, but then why is a group of them called a wake? I hear them first, then look out my…

  • Metro to a New Epoch

    Metro to a New Epoch

    by Liza Sofia Artist: Unknown I pass by Copley Square at a quarter to 11:00. Setting one foot in front of the other, I balance on the narrow red curb between the sidewalk and the gutter- between the past and present. By now, the drizzle has grown into profuse rain which seeps through my clothes.…

  • I Knew Her as Gretchen

    I Knew Her as Gretchen

    by Andy Betz Artist: Ian Hogson No one likes a cold case. They are the crust on old bread. Dead ends that have a certain appeal, just enough to make you want to flex your ego and accept the challenge, but not enough to warrant the time and energy required to solve one. The ones…

  • Maydays


    by Philip Wendt Artist: Unknown I can tell you everything about the plane and the passengers, except for their names. We were never formally introduced and never will be, but I know them. I can describe them all right down to the color of their socks. I know their seat numbers, what they were drinking,…